Mr. Ryan K. Williams

Principal Deputy
Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant

Mr. Ryan Williams
Mr. Ryan Williams

Ryan K. Williams is the Principal Deputy at the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant (PCAPP) located at the U.S. Army Pueblo Chemical Depot in Colorado. In his role, Williams is responsible for overseeing the project’s government and support contractor field office staff, the systems contractor, and the 24/7 chemical weapons destruction operation, cost, schedule, and performance.

Williams came to PCAPP in December 2013, serving as an engineer overseeing construction, systemization, and startup/operations. Additionally, Williams served as the PCAPP Field Office system lead for several critical plant systems and equipment. He also served as a certifying official for individuals in the Chemical Personnel Reliability Program. In 2016, Williams served as the director of operations for the PCAPP Field Office, responsible for supervising technical staff and directing project oversight and operations.

Prior to his arrival at PCAPP he worked at the McAlester Army Ammunition Plant (MCAAP), the Defense Department’s largest explosive storage facility, located near McAlester, Oklahoma. He also worked at the Defense Ammunition Center and Joint Munitions Command  in McAlester, Oklahoma.  At these organizations, he worked in multiple technical/engineering capacities, between 2001 and 2013.

In 2004, Williams earned a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering from the University of Oklahoma. As a student, Williams was awarded the Sir Alexander Fleming Scholar Prestigious Award for Academic Excellence (2000) and the Outstanding Senior in Environmental Engineering (2004).

Williams has earned several prestigious awards throughout his civilian service career, including the Department of the Army Commander’s Award for Civilian Service (2013), a Joint Munitions Command Award for dedicated service and support to the conventional ammunition demilitarization program (2013), and a Department of Army Certificate of Appreciation for exceptional performance of duties at MCAAP (2007).

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