The Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant, or PCAPP, is in the closure phase. From 2015 to 2023, the PCAPP team destroyed 780,078 projectiles and mortar rounds containing 2,613 tons of the blister agent mustard. The last chemical weapon in the stockpile in Colorado was destroyed June 22, 2023. The Pueblo plant will be in the closure phase for approximately two more years.
The last chemical munition in the declared U.S. stockpile was destroyed July 7, 2023, in Richmond, Kentucky.
- As sampling activity decreases throughout the site, the focus has turned to the writing of reuse and demolition readiness reports.
- Closure waste shipments continued to permitted, hazardous waste facilities in Colorado and Texas. About 87% of the plant’s waste is being sent to landfills versus incineration facilities.
- As of Feb. 28, the Bechtel Pueblo team completed 4,839,795 hours without a lost-time accident.
Main Plant
- Workers continue mid-level removal in the Toxic Area and removal of portions of the Munitions Treatment Unit (MTU) 1.
- Preparations have begun for an Unventilated Monitoring Test (UMT) in the Glovebox.
- The assembly of scaffolding continues in the Agent Processing Building for removal of piping in MTU 2 and its off-gas treatment system.
- Concrete chip and core sampling is complete in the Immobilized Cell Bioreactor Modules 3 and 4.
- The workforce has initiated a complete draining and flushing of the caustic storage and delivery system.
Static Detonation Chambers (SDC)
- Equipment and piping removal and UMTs are complete in SDC Units 1 and 2, and masking zones have been downgraded due to successful UMTs. The Reuse Readiness Report for Unit is under review.
- Equipment removal is ongoing in SDC Unit 3.
Workforce Transition
- 1,001 workers are employed on the project as of Feb. 28; 657 have been released. Another 200 employees are expected to be released in May.
- More than 400 employees attended an on-site job fair Feb. 5 and 6 with representatives from 13 local, national and international companies. Another 70 attended a virtual version of the job fair Feb. 12-13.
Environmental Permitting
- On Feb 4, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment approved Permit Modification Request C010, which initiated the closure of two Hazardous Waste Management Units: the Munitions Treatment Unit 2 and its off-gas treatment system.
Upcoming Meetings
- The next Colorado Chemical Demilitarization Citizens’ Advisory Commission meeting will be held online April 30 at 3 p.m. MT. Join online by using the link and information below.
Online platform: Zoom
Phone: 1 (719) 359-4580 Meeting ID: 84351934182#