Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant Monthly Recap – February 2025

The Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant, or BGCAPP, is in the closure phase, planned to be complete in 2027. From 2019 to 2023, the BGCAPP team destroyed 101,764 projectiles and rockets containing 523.4 tons of GB and VX nerve agent and blister agent mustard, using neutralization and Explosive Destruction Technology. The last chemical weapon in the U.S. stockpile was destroyed July 7, 2023, in Kentucky.


  • Representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention completed an inspection of the main plant and Static Detonation Chamber (SDC) units Feb. 26 and 27.
  • Main plant closure activities continue ahead of schedule and the destruction of drained, containerized rocket warheads (CRWs) containing residual amounts of GB nerve agent continues in the SDC 2000.
  • BGCAPP continues to remove waste from closure activities which is shipped to scrap metal facilities and permitted hazardous waste facilities.


  • As of Jan. 31, workers completed 16,168,933 hours and 1,967 days without a lost-time accident.

SDC 1200

  • As of March 2, 60% of more than 17,000 drained, containerized rocket warheads (CRW) containing residual amounts of VX nerve agent has been destroyed.
  • Removal of the old fragmentation shield continues, and installation of the new shield will follow. Processing will resume when repairs have been completed.
  • SDC 1200 workers are conducting numerous maintenance projects and training updates during the outage.

SDC 2000

  • As of March 2, workers destroyed more than 73% of more than 51,000 drained CRWs containing residual amounts of GB nerve agent.
  • During a planned outage in mid-February, workers completed a quench system cleanout, cleaned off-gas piping and rings, replaced conical heaters, completed detonation chamber imaging and inspections, and conducted other maintenance activities.

Main Plant

  • Cleaning and monitoring of Munitions Demilitarization Building (MDB) heating, ventilation and air conditioning ducts is ongoing.
  • Workers continue preparations for unventilated monitoring tests.
  • Crews are removing overhead cranes, chains and motors.
  • Piping and component removal continues in the upper levels of the MDB, and cleaning activities continue in the Blue Grass Chemical Activity storage igloos.
  • Shipping continues of pre-filters, high-efficiency particulate air filters and carbon filters for disposal.


  • 1,179 workers are employed on the project, with 50% hired locally.

Public Outreach

  • BGCAPP management provided a closure and schedule update to the Kentucky Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program Integrated Process Team Feb. 12.

Upcoming Meetings

  • The next semiannual Kentucky Chemical Demilitarization Citizens Advisory Commission and Chemical Destruction Community Advisory Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2025, at 1:30 p.m. ET at the following location:

    Carl D. Perkins Building, Rooms A and B
    Eastern Kentucky University
    Richmond, Kentucky

    A live video stream of the meeting will be available on the Program Executive Office, Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives (PEO ACWA) YouTube channel at For information, contact the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant outreach staff at (800) 277-6819 or

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