March 5 Kentucky Chemical Demilitarization Citizens’ Advisory Commission and CDCAB Meeting (2025)

This is the March 5 Kentucky Chemical Demilitarization Citizens’ Advisory Commission (CAC) and Chemical Destruction Community Advisory Board (CDCAB) in-person and online meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the closure of the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant (BGCAPP), which destroyed the chemical weapons stockpile at the Blue Grass Army Depot in Kentucky in 2023. YouTube uses speech recognition technology to automatically create captions; the quality of the captions may vary.

  • At approximately 4:44, Craig Williams, chair, CAC, provides opening remarks.
  • At approximately 5:40, Steve Bullard, Kentucky Commission on Military Affairs, Office of the Governor, presents Williams with a Defense Community Champions award on behalf of the Association for Defense Communities for working with BGAD for more than 30 years.
  • At approximately 10:36, Mark York, communications manager, Bechtel Parsons Blue Grass (BPBG), informs attendees that there were no action items from the Sept. 4, 2024, CAC/CDCAB meeting.
  • At approximately 10:55, Tamika Atkins, program executive officer, PEO ACWA, provides remarks on new leadership at the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and U.S. Army.
  • At approximately 11:40, Atkins provides information on program funding and impacts from Presidential executive orders and government actions, including the deferred resignation program, hiring freezes, travel restrictions, return-to-office requirements and budget cuts.
  • At approximately 21:25, Atkins says two of three Static Detonation Chamber (SDC) units from the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant (PCAPP) in Colorado are scheduled to be sent to BGCAPP as a contingency plan to complete the destruction of containerized rocket warheads (CRW) in Kentucky before they are reused by other government organizations.
  • At approximately 23:23, Reagan Taylor, co-chair, CDCAB, asks how long it would take to get the PCAPP SDCs set up in Kentucky, if they are needed,
  • At approximately 27:05, Leslie Kaylor, member, CAC, asks about the use of the incoming SDC units and if it will be for the current CRW destruction process or for future projects.
  • At approximately 29:01, Shannon Pendergrass, site project manager, BGCAPP, and Joe Curcio, project manager, BPBG, provide a BGCAPP update including safety metrics and CRW destruction progress.
  • At approximately 32:29, Curcio explains the SDC 1200 fragmentation shield replacement plan and training of SDC personnel.
  • At approximately 36:50, Williams asks how the PCAPP SDC fragmentation shield will be inserted into the BGCAPP SDC 1200 chamber; Bryan Makinen, member, CDCAB, asks what the estimated timeline is for removal of the existing fragmentation shield; and Jeanne Hibberd, member, CDCAB, asks when the SDC 1200 is expected to be back in operation. Curcio explains the contingency plan and timeline.
  • At approximately 40:25, Williams asks how frequently the PCAPP SDC 1200 was used in Pueblo.
  • At approximately 42:07, Taylor asks how long it took BGCAPP to destroy 60% of the VX CRWs and Makinen asks if the PCAPP SDC 1200 units could handle the GB CRWs being destroyed in the SDC 2000. Curcio said both SDC types would be able to process both agent types, pending approval of permitting actions.
  • At approximately 44:52, Curcio provides an update on SDC 2000 operations. Kaylor asks when the SDC 2000 is expected to complete destruction of the remaining CRWs.
  • At approximately 46:50, Curcio provides updates on main plant closure, environmental permitting and workforce transition. Stephanie Nelson, member, CDCAB, asks if Commerce Lexington has been asked to participate in transition efforts.
  • At approximately 52:39, Williams asks about providing information in news reports about how external employers or organizations could connect with BGCAPP regarding available personnel.
  • At approximately 53:58, Rosalind Torrence, human resources manager, BPBG, and Curcio explain actions regarding finding placement for outgoing employees, with focus on local opportunities. Discussion ensues regarding providing information to the media about placement success.
  • At approximately 1:09:32, Pendergrass provides an update on the projected BGCAPP schedule and Anniston Field Office rocket motor processing. Williams asks if the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection (KDEP) is in sync with the schedule timelines regarding permitting requirements.
  • At approximately 1:12:27, Olivia Beasley, BGAD section supervisor, KDEP, gives an environmental permitting update. Hibberd asks about ground water monitoring at the depot and the potential impact of Senate Bill 89, if approved.
  • At approximately 1:15:33, Williams provides closing remarks.
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