Facts: Blue Grass Chemical-Agent Destruction Pilot Plant Outreach

Information Source for the Community

The Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant Outreach Staff provides the community with a communications channel for the chemical weapons destruction project now in the closure phase at the Blue Grass Army Depot.

Speakers are available to local groups and organizations to share information on completion of chemical weapons destruction and closure activities. 

Partnerships and Public Involvement

The BGCAPP team joined with the community, multiple organizations, agencies and companies to safely destroy the chemical weapons stockpile. The following is a summary of key BGCAPP partners.

Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant (BGCAPP)
BGCAPP is a state-of-the-art, full-scale pilot facility that safely destroyed the Blue Grass chemical weapons stockpile.
NameTitleOffice PhoneEmail
BGCAPP Outreach StaffStaff(800) 277-6819bgoutreach@iem.com
Blue Grass Army Depot (BGAD)
BGAD is a 15,000-acre facility that safeguards a ready supply of conventional munitions and provides chemical defense equipment and Special Operations support to the Department of Defense.
NameTitleOffice PhoneEmail
William RitterPublic Affairs Officer(859) 779-6941william.d.ritter3.civ@army.mil
Blue Grass Chemical Activity (BGCA)
BGCA is responsible for the safe storage of the chemical weapons stockpile at BGAD. It is a tenant organization at the depot, reporting to the U.S. Army Chemical Materials Activity at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.
NameTitleOffice PhoneEmail
Jana CarrollPublic Affairs Specialist(859) 779-6298jana.f.carroll.civ@army.mil
Bechtel Parsons Blue Grass (BPBG)
BPBG is the systems contractor selected by the Program Executive Office, Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives (PEO ACWA) to design, build, test, operate and close BGCAPP.
NameTitleOffice PhoneEmail
Mark YorkCommunications Manager(859) 625-1291mhyork@bechtel.com
Kentucky Chemical Demilitarization Citizens’ Advisory Commission (CAC)
The CAC, a governor-appointed committee, provides a public forum for exchanging information about the completion of chemical weapons destruction and closure activities.
NameTitleOffice PhoneEmail
Craig WilliamsChair(859) 986-7565craig@cwwg.org
Chemical Destruction Community Advisory Board (CDCAB)
The CDCAB is an independent subcommittee of the CAC, consisting of a diverse group of community leaders.
NameTitleOffice PhoneEmail
Reagan TaylorCo-Chair, Madison County Judge-Executive(859) 624-4700reagan.taylor@madisoncountyky.us
Craig WilliamsCo-Chair(859) 986-7565craig@cwwg.org
Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection (KDEP)
KDEP’s mission is to protect and enhance Kentucky’s environment. The department oversees the environmental permitting process for BGCAPP.
NameTitleOffice PhoneEmail
April WebbHazardous Waste Branch Manager(502) 782-6470april.webb@ky.gov
Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP)
Madison County CSEPP is charged with protecting the residents of Madison County in the unlikely event of a chemical accident or incident at BGAD. It operates the county’s alert and warning system and provides training and public education about what to do in an emergency. CSEPP at the national level is administered jointly by the U.S. Army and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
NameTitleOffice PhoneEmail
Jill WilliamsMadison County Deputy Judge Executive(859) 624-4700Jill.Williams@madisoncountyky.us
David DavisKentucky CSEPP Public Information Officer(502) 607-1049david.davis@ky-em.org
Program Executive Office, Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives (PEO ACWA)
PEO ACWA is the Department of Defense program responsible for destruction of the chemical weapons stockpile at BGAD in Kentucky and at the U.S. Army Pueblo Chemical Depot in Colorado and is now overseeing closure. PEO ACWA is headquartered at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland.
NameTitleOffice PhoneEmail
Kathy DeWeeseChief of Public Affairs(410) 306-4024katherine.b.deweese.civ@army.mil

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